The MasterClass Modules: #19

Discover how to create realistic images for stock use from the comfort of your home!

    1. Video: AI Stock Photography

    1. PDF: #19 Slides

Create Your Own Stock Photos!

  • $33.00
  • 2 lessons
  • Identify image trends!
  • Generate passive income!
  • No tech experience necessary!

Grab Your Copy of this MasterClass Module Today!

Create royalty-free stock images!

Wouldn't it be cool to...

  • Save money!

    Stop paying a premium for stock photos and avoid all chances of copyright notices!

  • Save time!

    Stop wasting hours scrolling through stock photo sites and generate the perfect image for your project in seconds!

  • Make $!

    Don't just use your photos for your own projects... sell them through high-traffic stock image websites!

Revolutionize the way you approach stock photography!

In this Module:

✅ Access the top 4 stock image websites currently accepting AI-generated images!

✅ Identify image trends and stay ahead of the stock-demand curve!

✅ Discover a little-known stock design “hack” and expand your income potential!

✅ Get my personal Photography Prompt Toolbox to generate endless amounts of stock photos!

Don't take our word for it...

Here's what actual students like YOU are saying about our courses!

“Want to stay ahead of the curve? Time starved? Then Expert Media courses are just right for you. Short, sharp and incredibly in-depth they have become required ‘reading’ for any online entrepreneur!”

Susan J.

“It's hard for me NOT to invest in Tony's courses. He teaches the creative things I want to learn about and the different software that helps us create. He does the hours of testing so that we don't have to, and makes learning fun and interesting. Sometimes in live teaching, things don't go perfectly. He shows that, too. He's shown me that even if I can't do art in the traditional way, I can still do it. Thank you, Tony!”

Leslie C.

Why Create & Sell AI-Generated Stock Images?

  • Content Production

    Rapidly create a wide variety of stock images, reducing the time and effort required for manual image creation. This efficiency enables you to build a large portfolio of images quickly, increasing your potential for sales!

  • Cost-Effective

    Eliminate the need for expensive equipment and modeling fees. Now you can generate images at a lower cost, making it a cost-effective way to produce stock content!

  • Consistency

    Ensure consistency in image quality, style and subject matter across your portfolio. This consistency helps establish a recognizable brand and improves the overall quality of the stock content!

Your Investment Today Includes...

  • Over an Hour Long In-Depth Training Session with Demos

  • Session Slides PDF

As an Introductory Offer for FAST ACTION TAKERS (that’s YOU, right?), I am going to discount this training even further for a limited time so that MORE creatives like you can get in and benefit from this comprehensive training!

Claim Your Spot Today for a One-Time Investment of...

Just $97 $67!

Just $33!

Grab Your Copy of this MasterClass Module Today!

Create your own stock photo empire!

About Your Instructor

Tony Laidig

Senior Instructor

Tony Laidig is widely recognized as “The Public Domain Expert” and has been at the forefront of AI art and writing strategies since 2019 – well before it became the trend. With a graphic design career spanning over 18 years, Tony has crafted more than 600 book covers, including several that have graced the New York Times Best-Seller list.

His deep understanding of the public domain positions him as a leading authority on the intricacies, strategies, and creative challenges posed by AI technology. Over the years, he has imparted his knowledge in over 260 courses, covering a diverse range of subjects from publishing and book design to photography, art creation, and even children's literature.

Outside of work, Tony is a passionate traveler, exploring the open roads in an RV with his wife Kristen and their two feline companions. As he journeys, he continues to teach and craft his own art and written works. And in those quiet moments, you'll find him capturing the world around him through his camera lens.