Re: Aspiring author missed a crucial step - Don't let this be you!

Are you sick & tired of wondering if you're missing something important when publishing your book?

Are you missing crucial steps in the writing process?

Wish you had a guide to all the best marketing strategies... and a way to track what works?

We have GOOD NEWS for you!

Now you can have the guidance of an EXPERIENCED book publisher (with over 300 books published) and ensure NO critical steps are missed while you're writing, publishing and marketing your next masterpiece!

This Ultimate Book Publishing Checklist Bundle, crafted by the original "Book Ninja" herself is power-packed with the latest strategies and tools, including AI, to help you effortlessly bring your masterpiece to life and share it with the world!

Grab this Comprehensive Checklist Bundle Now!

Ensure no critical step is missed and act fast for the best deal!

Ultimate Book Publishing Checklist Bundle

Here's a breakdown of all the checklists included:

✅ Writing Checklists

  • Repurpose Checklist: From blog posts to social media comments... discover content you already have that can be repurposed into a book!
  • Distraction Elimination Checklist: Identify your most common distractions and take steps to eliminate them. Track what worked and what didn't!
  • Productivity Tools Checklist: Discover the top productivity-enhancing tools on the market for everything from time management to note-taking!
  • Revive My Creativity Checklist: Stuck? Use these easy-to-implement strategies to revive your creativity!
  • Improve Mental Health Checklist: We all struggle with it... and this tracking checklist will give you practical steps you can take to improve it.
  • My "Write" Environment Checklist: Identify the type of physical space you need for your best writing life... and create it!
  • Fiction Book Organization Checklist: Frontmatter, Backmatter... what should go where for fiction books.
  • Fiction Book Writing Checklist: From ideation to creation... Track your fiction ideas!
  • Character Profile Checklist: This massive checklist identifies your perfect characters... and brings them to life!
  • Children's Book Organization Checklist: Frontmatter, Backmatter... what should go where for children's books.
  • Children's Book Writing Checklist: From ideation to creation... Track your children's book ideas!
  • Hire an Illustrator Checklist: Avoid common pitfalls when working with a professional illustrator!
  • Non-Fiction Book Organization Checklist: Frontmatter, Backmatter... what should go where for non-fiction books.
  • Non-Fiction Book Writing Checklist: From ideation to creation... Track your non-fiction book ideas!
  • Copyright Page Checklist: Exactly what should appear on the copyright page of every book you write.
  • Quotes Usage Checklist: Is it OK for you to use that quote in your book? Find out... and stay out of legal trouble!
  • Thank-You Page Checklist: With real-life examples for non-fiction and fiction books, this is what should appear on your book's Thank-You page!
  • Editing Checklist: Bet you didn't know half of these huge editing mistakes most authors make... avoid them and find the perfect editor(s) with this detailed checklist!
  • Accountability Checklist: Stuck again? Get unstuck with the perfect accountability structure!
  • Pen Name Checklist: Easily decide if you should use a pen name... and what that name should be!

✅ Publishing Checklists

  • Publishing Overview Checklist: Do you know all the pieces and parts you should have in place to get your book published?
  • Publishing Options Checklist: Did you know there's more than one way to get published? Discover the best option for you!
  • Accounts Setup Checklist: Don't miss any of these important accounts when self-publishing your book!
  • Book Cover Design Checklist: From designing it yourself to hiring a designer... This checklist tracks every part of the process for the most important part of your book.
  • Legal Image Use Checklist: Is it OK for you to use that image in your book? Find out and stay legally compliant!
  • Book Interior Layout Checklist: From designing it yourself to hiring a designer... This checklist tracks every part of the process for the interior your book.
  • Book Pricing Checklist: The age-old question, "How much should I charge?" answered!
  • Book Upload Checklist: There's more than one place to upload your book... did you miss one?
  • USA Library of Congress Reg. Checklist: The key ingredient to make it easy for libraries to order your book!
  • USA Copyright Registration Checklist: Looking for formal copyright protection? Here's how.

✅ Marketing Checklists

  • Personal Brand Checklist: Essential for authors... look professional and stand out from the riffraff!
  • Customer Avatar Checklist: I bet you don't really know who should buy your book... with this checklist it will be clear!
  • Create Marketing Plan Checklist: The overall big kahuna of book marketing plan checklists... this one's essential!
  • Social Media Marketing Checklist: Track which platforms you use and how you're using them.
  • Author Website Checklist: Do you know what kind of website you should have and what all should be on it?
  • Author Blog Checklist: Did you know a blog can be different from a website? What about how to set it up?
  • Kindle Select Checklist: Should you enroll your Kindle book? Why shouldn't you? And how? This answers all those questions.
  • Category Research Checklist: The #1 secret to becoming a bestseller... in checklist form!
  • Author Bio Checklist: You should have three author bios. And they should be different for children's books, fiction and non-fiction. Didn't know that? This checklist will keep it all organized!
  • Back Page Ad Checklist: You're leaving extra money on the table if you're not using these strategies!
  • Book Cross-Promotion Checklist: You're leaving even more money on the table if you're not using these strategies!
  • Book Reviews Checklist: Essential for book sales! Easily track who's reviewing your book.
  • Amazon Author Central Checklist: From your basic author page to A+ content... this checklist walks you through the process.
  • Amazon Kindle Promo Checklist: Track all the promotions for your Kindle book with one easy-to-use checklist!
  • Book Launch Checklist: From launch details to your Launch Kit to partners... start off with a successful book launch!

Take a sneak peek at what's inside!

These 45 BRAND NEW checklists will help you celebrate more successes!

As an Introductory Offer for FAST ACTION TAKERS (that’s YOU, right?), I am going to discount this resource even further for a limited time so that MORE authors like you can get in and benefit from this comprehensive Checklist Bundle!

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Grab this Comprehensive Checklist Bundle Now!

Ensure no critical step is missed and act fast for the best deal!

Ultimate Book Publishing Checklist Bundle

These Checklists were Created by:

Kristen Laidig

Senior Instructor

Kristen Joy Laidig is a serial entrepreneur. In 2003 she turned her life-long love of writing into a full-time career teaching authors and entrepreneurs how to create books that bring them business and turning authors into successful authorpreneurs through her internationally-known brand, The Book Ninja®, which she sold in 2019 to another successful authorpreneur.

Kristen is a Certified Play Expert and Certified Master Retailer with ASTRA (American Specialty Toy Retailing Association) and in 2022 Kristen achieved her Certified Crystal Practitioner and Advanced Crystal Master licenses through Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy. She’s currently working on her Gemologist Certification.

Kristen handles most of the behind-the-scenes management for Expert Media Academy, manages she and her husband Tony’s business Magickal Bear, creates and edits videos for their YouTube channel RV Travelpreneurs and travels the country exploring new areas, selling at shows and teaching workshops all while living out of their RV.