Design Dynamic Courses Using AI

STOP Wasting Precious Time and Money Creating Your Courses!

    1. Video: Topic and Content Research Using AI

    2. PDF: Module 1 Slides

    1. Video: Using AI to Create Course Outlines and Slides

    2. PDF: Module 2 Slides

    1. Video: Final Course Design and Delivery

    2. PDF: Module 3 Slides

    1. BONUS PDF: Full Course Slides

Create Engaging Courses Faster & Easier than Ever Before!

  • $197.00
  • 7 lessons
  • Pinpoint hot topics and do in-depth research at the touch of a button!
  • Create course outlines on-demand!
  • No tech experience necessary!

Are you tired of...

  • Spending countless hours pouring over research?

  • Struggling with content development?

  • Feeling overwhelmed by the complexity and time-consuming nature of course creation?

What If You Knew a Better Way?

Imagine for a moment a world where course creation is a breeze...

Get the Bundle and Save!

Sold separately for $44 and $197, this bundle is the ultimate start-to-finish guide to AI course creation!
MasterClass Module 23 and Design Dynamic Courses

Traditional course-creation methods...

  • Are time-consuming and inflexible, leaving you feeling drained and uninspired!

  • Often lead to subpar courses that fail to engage your students.

  • Can be a frustrating experience that leaves you questioning your skills as an educator.

Wouldn't you love to...

  • Save time!

    Create engaging, high-quality courses in a fraction of the time it used to take.

  • Save energy!

    Leverage AI generators like ChatGPT and Claude to rapidly design and deploy courses on any topic or subject!

  • Get the latest and best...

    I've already developed tested, proven CUSTOM prompt sets that will elevate your courses to pro-level status... even if this is your FIRST course!

Ready to get the only proven toolkit that equips you with the skills necessary to leverage this cutting-edge technology?

Be a part of the future of course creation!

✅ Module 1: Topic & Content Research

  • Learn how to effectively pinpoint hot topics!
  • Save hours and deliver comprehensive insights that your competitors could only dream of.
  • Say goodbye to hours of manual research!

✅ Module 2: Using AI to Create Course Outlines & Content

  • Generate course outlines and content on-command!
  • Effortlessly build the foundation of your course.

✅ Module 3: Final Course Design & Delivery

  • Transform your content into engaging, well-structured slides.
  • Master the art of effectively delivering those slides with ease and efficency!

✅ Bonuses!

  • Course Slide PDFs.
  • "Course Master Pro" Course Slides PDF.
  • Evernote Course Notes PDF including ALL the sample prompts and results for this course!

You'll even get MY fine-tuned prompts to help you:

  • Generate engaging Course titles.
  • Create Course outlines.
  • Write the bullet points for your final slides.
  • Write your Course Sales Page.
  • Write your E-mail Campaigns to promote your Course.
  • And more!

Just Imagine...

  • The Relief!

    Know you can create a course on any topic, no matter how complex... with ease!

  • Supercharged Course Creation

    Churn out your first course and future high-quality, engaging courses faster than ever before!

  • The Satisfaction...

    See your students effectively engaged and learning from your well-crafted courses!

Your Investment Today Includes...

  • 3 Full Modules of Originally LIVE-Taught Training

  • Session Slides PDFs

  • BONUS: "Course Master Pro" Course Slides PDF

  • BONUS: Evernote Course Notes PDF including ALL the sample prompts and results for THIS course!

As an Introductory Offer for FAST ACTION TAKERS (that’s YOU, right?), I am going to discount this training even further for a limited time so that MORE authors like you can get in and benefit from this comprehensive training!

Claim Your Spot Today for a One-Time Investment of...

Just $497 $297!

Just $197!

Get the Bundle and Save!

Sold separately for $44 and $197, this bundle is the ultimate start-to-finish guide to AI course creation!
MasterClass Module 23 and Design Dynamic Courses

"YES! I'm ready to use AI to design MY courses!"

I don't want the Bundle... Enroll me in only this course.-->

About Your Instructor

Tony Laidig

Senior Instructor

Tony Laidig is widely recognized as “The Public Domain Expert” and has been at the forefront of AI art and writing strategies since 2019 – well before it became the trend. With a graphic design career spanning over 18 years, Tony has crafted more than 600 book covers, including several that have graced the New York Times Best-Seller list.

His deep understanding of the public domain positions him as a leading authority on the intricacies, strategies, and creative challenges posed by AI technology. Over the years, he has imparted his knowledge in over 260 courses, covering a diverse range of subjects from publishing and book design to photography, art creation, and even children's literature.

Outside of work, Tony is a passionate traveler, exploring the open roads in an RV with his wife Kristen and their two feline companions. As he journeys, he continues to teach and craft his own art and written works. And in those quiet moments, you'll find him capturing the world around him through his camera lens.